Signature Composer helps you to make your stylish signature.Signature Composer helps you to make your stylish signature and share signature to your fr
Signature Composer helps you to make your stylish signature.
Signature Composer helps you to make your stylish signature and share signature to your friends. Signature Composer work on any Android Device to create a signature you just choose a Signature text and select signature style/pattern from list. After selecting signature you can change the size, color of font and change background of signature.
Signature Composer have One of the best option for signing stylish customized option signature. You can change font and background color for signature style and also you can save signature on your device. Signature Composer user can also paint and make some beautifull shapes, cartoon character and drawing
Features of Signature Composer are
- Easy to use
- Simple and unique app
- Long lasting application
- Share on social media
- Font zoom in and out
- Sign Manually
- Font Selecting
- Clear screen
- Save signature in device
- Share Signature with your friend
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Keywords: Signature Writer, Signature Creater, Signature Composer